Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural Plantar Fasciitis Relief

    Desperate to find foot pain relief?

     I thought it was just me, but I have learned that many people suffer from the stabbing pain of Plantar Fasciitis these days, with over 2 million treated annually in the United States alone! I can’t help but wonder if this is the Baby Boomers Curse for living longer and healthier lives than our parents.

     While a common condition, the pain is uncommonly excruciating. Some physicians describe it as walking with pebbles in your shoes, or standing on nuts and bolts. But this is hugely inadequate and inaccurate, and not a description that would be used for the agonizing pain by someone who actually suffers from this affliction.

     Anyone who lives with the constant unbearable burning pain that is Plantar Fasciitis will attest to that!

     I’ve tried supportive shoes, extra cushioning and special orthotics. They can give some temporary relief, especially during the most piercing pain. Night Splints, although not attractive, are very effective for use when pain is at its worst. And you don’t have to use them once the pain is gone! Although hang on to them for next time, because most sufferers have recurring attacks.

     You might be referred to Physical therapy by your doctor, which can involve a full program of stretching, ice treatments, massage and medications to alleviate the pain and inflammation. If these don’t work, however, you will be looking at injections of Cortisone, a type of steroid, into the Plantar Fascia, the ligament in the bottom of your foot that is the root of your pain. Getting a shot in the bottom of my foot is not my idea of a good time, but it beats the final alternative, which could involve a surgical lengthening of your calf muscle or partially cutting the Plantar Fascia ligament to relieve tension. But these invasive procedures may not only NOT relieve pain, they could result in nerve damage and chronic pain.

     Thank Goodness I found a better option for my Plantar Fasciitis pain! It didn't require any of the scary or painful options that many doctors normally recommend.  And I am pain FREE. If a natural way to get relief from the debilitating pain of Plantar Fasciitis interests you, check out this link for yourself!

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